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Increff Merchandising Software

Increff Stand: 6K01
  • Increff Merchandising Software
  • Increff Merchandising Software
  • Increff Merchandising Software
Increff Merchandising Software Increff Merchandising Software Increff Merchandising Software

Reimagine merchandise planning, buying, and allocation with intelligent algorithm-driven end-to-end merchandising software. 

Assortment Planning: Consider factors like seasonality, local demographic, product attributes, discounting, etc. to identify top sellers and slow movers. Personalize assortment at every store based on true demand for options, depth, and size ratios.

Allocation and Replenishment: Allocate inventory, as per demand, and improve the frequency of replenishments through our ARS solution. Experience consistent revenue uplifts by reducing size cuts, replenishing fast-selling styles, and optimizing overstocking and understocking within stores through inter-store transfers  

Extract actionable insights with business intelligence and online analytics. 

What can you expect:

  • 1.5x increase in inventory turns

  • 4-5% improvements in the bottom line and margins

  • 15% growth in full-price sell-through

  • 10% savings in logistics 

  • 20% cutback in inventory holding

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