Day 2 Track  - 27th April 2023  |  Location: Theatre B

Payments & Checkout

The payments, checkout and Fraud track will enable you to evaluate how to meet your demanding customers’ payment expectations, build and open banking strategy to cut costs, decide which payment options to offer and assess how to capitalise on the cryptocurrency opportunity. 

You’ll also learn how to fight back against the huge rise in cyber-attacks, maximise the value of tokenisation, drive customer convenience and engagement through checkout innovation and prepare for the future through understanding how payments and checkout will develop by 2028.  


Sponsored by: Nuvei, Theatre B Sponsor


Opening Keynote :


Evaluating How To Meet Customers’ Payment Expectations When They Are Now Calling The Shots

Fireside Chat Interview :


Building An Effective Open Banking Strategy To Speed Up Payments, Reduce Costs And Drive Customer Experience



How Can Retailers Decide Which Payment Options To Offer When There Is So Much Choice?



Assessing How Retailers Can Best Prepare For The Cryptocurrency & Central Bank currency Opportunities

Afternoon Keynote : Fireside Chat

How Can Retailers Fight Back Effectively Against Financial & Returns Fraud? 

Panel Discussion


Social Purpose Is Good For Business – Unpacking The S Of ESG Within Your Payments And Checkout Strategy



Innovating Within The Store Checkout To Drive Customer Engagement And Convenience

Keynote Panel Discussion :


What Will The Retail Checkout And Payments Landscape Look Like By 2028 And What Should Retailers Be Doing Today To Prepare?


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