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22 Mar 2024

Eliminate In-Cart Theft at Checkouts

iRetailCheck Stand: L82
  • Eliminate In-Cart Theft at Checkouts
  • Eliminate In-Cart Theft at Checkouts
  • Eliminate In-Cart Theft at Checkouts
Eliminate In-Cart Theft at Checkouts Eliminate In-Cart Theft at Checkouts Eliminate In-Cart Theft at Checkouts

More than 70% of cashier do not control shopping carts for unpaid items.

Losses on average are in excess of €3.000 per checkout, per year.

In-cart theft is a universal issue for any retailer whose customers use shopping carts to transport their shopping to the POS.

CaddyCheck is proven to practically eliminate in-cart losses at the checkout.

  • Automates the control of every cart passing the checkout
  • Over €185 million in lost revenue recovered for retailers like Delhaize, Carrefour, SPAR, and Jumbo
  • Stand-alone Visual AI solution needs no POS integration
  • Proactively prompts cashiers to act with instant alert when items are left in, under or behind carts
  • Notifies staff before payment takes place
  • Ignores empty carts
  • Works with all shopping cart and basket formats, both plastic and metal
  • Detects traffic at closed checkouts
  • Over a billion carts analysed for items that customers "forget" in their cart at the checkout.
  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Use
  • Easy to Scale

Let's talk about your needs and what we can do to improve your profitability.

Come visit us at 6A58 to find out more - or request a video call at:

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