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Why do so many retailers trust ToolsGroup? Because we understand your challenges.

ToolsGroup Stand: 6B68

Always have JustEnough inventory to maximize profits with the JustEnough Dynamic Retail Planning & Execution Platform
Dynamic retail capabilities that sense, predict, and respond in real-time for optimal decisions in a fast-changing market

JustEnough’s AI-powered inventory optimization is designed to help you navigate and thrive amid uncertainty

JustEnough provides all the core cutting-edge capabilities to solve your inventory problem with dynamic merchandise and planning solutions.

Full product availability at the lowest cost:
Plan and allocate intelligently to get the right products on the right channels for higher inventory turns while committing the least working capital

Real-time, granular inventory management:
Leverage real-time SKU/Store-level forecasts to ensure products are always available where they are most in demand

Fewer stock-outs and overstocks:
Optimize inventory tracking and placement for maximum ROI without leaving shelves bare

More sales with less stock:
Move inventory dynamically to increase sales while needing less safety stock

Higher margins:
Increase full-price sell-through while reducing the markdown levels required to limit waste

The JustEnough solution provides all the modules you need to optimize inventory across the full product lifecycle.

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