Join Algolia’s Product Manager Peter Nguyen about common data synchronization and frontend integration patterns, as well as key personalization use cases across search, browse, and recommendations.
Better decsions based on deeper insights than before, such as propensity of which skin tones are considering or converting which products, colours, finishes.
Be in control of how you want to look, through skin tone, height, clothing sizes, age, hair and more, through creating a simple profile with consents or as a Lite user with a few simple clicks.
Omni-channel solution for retention. Customer receives notifications near a store, prompting re-consideration & store-visit - abandoned baskets, cross & up-sell opportunities, your new range, or other
Online real-time influence from friends, family or shopping consultants via social pltforms. Feedback helps improve decison making to improves net sales.
Increased consideration with intuitive gesture swipe, browse your entire range of product styles and colours, while personalized, add to basket with real-time product availability and descriptions.
For digital retailers - personalized merchandizing, full inclusivity, modelled by them or anyone, all within your website with auto-updated PLP/PDPs, for fashion, sportwear & cosmetics.
For digital retailers - personalized marketing via your social channels, promoting your new range, abandoned baskets, lookalike purchases, upsell & sponsored items to both acquire & retain.